

This category includes detailed articles by the editorial team, by renowned members of the journalistic and academic community, as well as activists specialising in the relevant topic. The articles are presented by category and sub category, and indicate whether they were written specifically for Govwatch or reproduced from previous posts/publications.

Written by
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 17 • 06 • 2024
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report BBC: Greek coastguard caused the deaths of dozens of migrants
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 27 • 05 • 2024
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report DPA: Personal data breach by MEP Asimakopoulou and the Ministry of Interior
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 09 • 03 • 2024
Report Verbal and physical assault on LGBTQ+ individuals in Thessaloniki
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 28 • 02 • 2024
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Shipwreck in Pylos: Greece’s responsibilities against the background of the European Ombudsman’s report and the…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 07 • 02 • 2024
Freedom of the Press
Report MP’s on air verbal attack on journalist widely condemned
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 31 • 01 • 2024
Excessive Surveillance
Report Hellenic Data Protection Authority report reveals issues related to the protection of the constitutionally guaranteed…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 31 • 01 • 2024
Excessive Surveillance
Report Security and Intelligence Agencies failed to inform ADAE about thousands of wiretaps in a timely…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 30 • 01 • 2024
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Aegean Boat Report denounces the refoulement of 11 refugees
Menia Paraskevopoulou 24 • 01 • 2024
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5083/2024 and the rules of good legislation
Menia Paraskevopoulou 24 • 01 • 2024
Legislative Procedure
Report Unjustified shortening of the public consultation period by the Ministry of Interior – January 2024
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 22 • 01 • 2024
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Aegean Boat Report denounces the refoulement of 12 refugees
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 19 • 01 • 2024
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Aegean Boat Report denounces the refoulement of 16 refugees
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 19 • 01 • 2024
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Investigation reports 2,010 incidences of refoulement with 55,445 victims in the Aegean Sea
Menia Paraskevopoulou 18 • 01 • 2024
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5082/2024 and the rules of good legislation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 17 • 01 • 2024
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Aegean Boat Report denounces the refoulement of 22 refugees
Christiana Stilianidou 21 • 12 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Greece referred to the CJEU on maritime spatial plans; infringement: INFR(2021)2226
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 21 • 12 • 2023
Freedom of the Press
Report Violation of the principles of public broadcasting in support of the government’s position
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 12 • 2023
Freedom of the Press
Report International and domestic condemnation of Greek government’s stance on surveillance of journalists
Christiana Stilianidou 20 • 12 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5079/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 19 • 12 • 2023
Transparency in the action of public authorities
Report Law 5078/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 11 • 12 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5076/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 07 • 12 • 2023
Freedom of the Press
Report New lawsuits filed by Grigoris Dimitriadis against media outlets and journalists condemned as SLAPPs.
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 07 • 12 • 2023
Freedom of the Press
Report Documento condemn the imposition of a fine by the Authority for Public Revenue as politically…
Christiana Stilianidou 03 • 12 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5073/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 29 • 11 • 2023
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Question of excessive police violence in the death of a 17-year-old Roma boy in Boeotia
Menia Paraskevopoulou 23 • 11 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report The amendments to Law 5069/2023
Christiana Stilianidou 16 • 11 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Greece referred to the CJEU for late payments in the health sector – infringement: INFR(2019)2298
Christiana Stilianidou 16 • 11 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Second referral of Greece to the CJEU concerning a landfill site in Zakynthos; infringement: INFR(2009)2340
Christiana Stilianidou 16 • 11 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power Penal System
Report Partial transposition of the Directive on procedural safeguards for children in criminal proceedings – infringement:…
Christiana Stilianidou 16 • 11 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Late review, adoption and reporting of third river basin management plans and second flood risk…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 11 • 2023
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists’ Union condemns the arrest of a journalist
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 06 • 11 • 2023
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists receive judicial summons for a possible violation of official secrecy
Menia Paraskevopoulou 02 • 11 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5072/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 02 • 11 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5062/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Menia Paraskevopoulou 02 • 11 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5063/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 19 • 10 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5058/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Menia Paraskevopoulou 19 • 10 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Unjustified shortening of the public consultation period by the Ministry of Development – October 2023
Anna Kanellopoulou 05 • 10 • 2023
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report European Court of Human Rights finds Greece to be in violation of Articles 3 and…
Christiana Stilianidou 04 • 10 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5057/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 03 • 10 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5056/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 27 • 09 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5055/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 13 • 09 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5049/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Katerina Tavladoraki 12 • 09 • 2023
Police Violence & Arbitrariness Freedom of Speech & Expression
Report Alleged incident of police violence against journalist Giorgos Fakis
Christiana Stilianidou 04 • 09 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5047/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 31 • 08 • 2023
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Allegations of unprovoked assault and arrests at the National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A)
Christiana Stilianidou 27 • 07 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5046/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 26 • 07 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5045/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 18 • 07 • 2023
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Alleged incident of police violence against a lawyer during the exercise of her duties
Anna Kanellopoulou 14 • 07 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Failure of Greece to ensure that operational entities comply with Regulation (EU)2021/116 – Infringement: INFR(2023)2051
Menia Paraskevopoulou 10 • 07 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Unjustified shortening of the public consultation period by the Ministry of Interior – July 2023
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 08 • 07 • 2023
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Unlawful use of deadly force by a police officer
Christiana Stilianidou 06 • 07 • 2023
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Complaint of excessive police violence during an incident in Kaminia
Christiana Stilianidou 27 • 06 • 2023
Penal System Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Lawyer arrested during the performance of his duties
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 06 • 2023
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Refoulement and confiscation of the personal belongings of refugees by the Greek authorities
Anna Kanellopoulou 13 • 06 • 2023
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Case H.A. and Others v. Greece – Greece condemned for violating Articles 3 and 13…
Christiana Stilianidou 01 • 06 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Failure to transpose the Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions – infringement: INFR(2022)0352
Christiana Stilianidou 01 • 06 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance of Greece with EU car tax rules – infringement: INFR(2020)4001
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 30 • 05 • 2023
Excessive Surveillance
Report EU’s PEGA Committee report on illegal surveillance in Greece
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 19 • 05 • 2023
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Unlawful refoulement of 12 refugees from Lesvos to Turkey
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 07 • 05 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report A letter from the Prime Minister to the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court is accused…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 07 • 05 • 2023
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police officer arrested for unlawful use of weapons in Rhodope
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 29 • 04 • 2023
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Alleged refoulement of 10 refugees from Samos to Turkey
Anna Kanellopoulou 19 • 04 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance of Greek legislation with Directive 2005/36/EU infringement – INFR(2023)4003
Anna Kanellopoulou 19 • 04 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Incorrect application of Directive 2011/7/EU due to delays in legal aid payments – Infringement: INFR(2023)4000
Anna Kanellopoulou 19 • 04 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Incorrect transposition and application of provisions of the Directive on seasonal workers – infringement: INFR(2023)2021
Christiana Stilianidou 12 • 04 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Allegations of an attempt to interfere with the justice system
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 12 • 04 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Legislative amendment on the electoral exclusion of neo-Nazis fails to follow good legislation rules
Christiana Stilianidou 11 • 04 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5043/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Menia Paraskevopoulou 08 • 04 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 5041/2023
Christiana Stilianidou 06 • 04 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5042/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 06 • 04 • 2023
Freedom of the Press
Report Condemnation of the arrest of three journalists and a cameraman
Anna Kanellopoulou 04 • 04 • 2023
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Case A.D. v. Greece – Greece condemned for violating Article 3 ECHR
Christiana Stilianidou 04 • 04 • 2023
Independent Authorities
Report Failure to advertise a competition to fill the post of the Governor of the National…
Christiana Stilianidou 03 • 04 • 2023
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Hellenic League for Human Rights denounces the use of the term ‘illegal immigrant’ by the…
Christiana Stilianidou 30 • 03 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5039/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 29 • 03 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Unjustified shortening of the public consultation period for the Immigration Code
Christiana Stilianidou 23 • 03 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5036/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 23 • 03 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5026/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 22 • 03 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5035/2023 and the and the rules of good legislation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 03 • 2023
Excessive Surveillance
Report Illegal surveillance of a Facebook security executive by Predator and the National Intelligence Service
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 03 • 2023
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Frontex official recommended agency shutdown in Greece due to illegal refoulement practices
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 17 • 03 • 2023
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Complaints allege an incident of excessive police violence at the Volos courts
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 17 • 03 • 2023
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Athens Administrative Court of First Instance: Detention of two Afghan asylum seekers was unlawful
Katerina Tavladoraki 17 • 03 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report The unjustified shortening of the legislative public consultation period by the Ministry of Health –…
Anna Kanellopoulou 14 • 03 • 2023
Penal System
Report Georgiou v. Greece – Greece found to have violated Article 6 of the ECHR
Christiana Stilianidou 12 • 03 • 2023
Penal System Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Alleged incident of beating and torture of a prisoner by police officers
Menia Paraskevopoulou 08 • 03 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report The amendment to law 5029/2023
Christiana Stilianidou 07 • 03 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5028/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 05 • 03 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Greece: European Court condemns Greece over air pollution in Athens
Christiana Stilianidou 05 • 03 • 2023
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Complaints of an unprovoked attack by the police against Greek Communist Party members in Thessaloniki
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 01 • 03 • 2023
Freedom of Speech & Expression
Report Writer Petros Tatsopoulos arrested after a libel complaint
Christiana Stilianidou 28 • 02 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5027/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 28 • 02 • 2023
Rights of Ethnic Minorities & Vulnerable Groups
Report The content of teacher training seminars criticised as ‘racist’
Christiana Stilianidou 27 • 02 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Unjustified shortening of the legislative public consultation period by the Ministry of Environment and Energy…
Christiana Stilianidou 27 • 02 • 2023
Asset Declarations & Political Money
Report Transparency backsliding in new legislation on asset declarations
Nefeli Lappa 24 • 02 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Unjustified shortening of the public consultation period by the Ministry of Environment and Energy –…
Nefeli Lappa 24 • 02 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Unjustified shortening of the public consultation period by the Ministry of Health – March 2023
Christiana Stilianidou 21 • 02 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5024/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Anna Kanellopoulou 20 • 02 • 2023
Public Procurement/Μisuse of Public Funds
Report The Himaras Case: Financial prosecutor orders investigation after New Democracy MP resigns over public procurement…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 02 • 2023
Excessive Surveillance
Report National Intelligence Service: Surveillance of six senior politicians and military officials
Menia Paraskevopoulou 18 • 02 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report The amendment to law 5022/2023
Menia Paraskevopoulou 17 • 02 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Unjustified shortening of the public consultation period by the Ministry of Health – February 2023
Menia Paraskevopoulou 16 • 02 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report The amendment to law 5023/2023
The editorial team of Govwatch 16 • 02 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Unjustified shortening of the consultation period by the Ministry of Environment and Energy – February…
Christiana Stilianidou 15 • 02 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance with the Habitats Directive in the design of wind farm projects in Greece –…
Nefeli Lappa 15 • 02 • 2023
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Investigation reveals illegal refoulements in makeshift prisons on ferries
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 13 • 02 • 2023
Excessive Surveillance
Report MP Georgios Kaminis turns to judiciary to investigate possible monitoring by state agencies
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 02 • 2023
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report EU Commissioner Johansson: Greece violates EU law on refugees
Menia Paraskevopoulou 08 • 02 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Unjustified shortening of the public consultation period by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs…
Christiana Stilianidou 08 • 02 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report The unjustified shortening of the legislative public consultation period by the Ministry of Culture and…
Christiana Stilianidou 08 • 02 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5019/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 08 • 02 • 2023
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Alleged excessive and unjustified use of chemicals against football fans by police officers
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 07 • 02 • 2023
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Administrative Court of First Instance of Kavala: detention of an Afghan asylum seeker was unlawful
Anna Kanellopoulou 31 • 01 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power Penal System
Report Savvaidou v. Greece – Greece found to have violated Articles 6 and 13 of the…
Anna Kanellopoulou 28 • 01 • 2023
Independent Authorities Excessive Surveillance
Report European Parliament Committee urges Greece to restore the full independence of the judiciary and oversight…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 27 • 01 • 2023
Excessive Surveillance
Report Chief of the General Staff of the Hellenic Armed Forces Konstantinos Floros under surveillance by…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 26 • 01 • 2023
Excessive Surveillance
Report Illegal use of spyware against more than 20 targets in Greece
Anna Kanellopoulou 26 • 01 • 2023
Penal System Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Case B.Y. v. Greece – Greece found to be in violation of Article 3 of…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 23 • 01 • 2023
Excessive Surveillance
Report National Intelligence Service: Surveillance of MEP Kyrtsos and journalist Telloglou
Christiana Stilianidou 19 • 01 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 5014/2023 and the rules of good legislation
Menia Paraskevopoulou 17 • 01 • 2023
Legislative Procedure
Report The amendments to law 5013/2023
Anna Kanellopoulou 17 • 01 • 2023
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report The Criminalisation of Humanitarianism
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 15 • 01 • 2023
Excessive Surveillance
Report 15 constitutional law professors denounce Supreme Court Prosecutor’s opinion that ADAE has no competence to…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 01 • 2023
LGBTQI Rights Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Negative references to sexual orientation and migrant backgrounds in a school textbook
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 09 • 01 • 2023
Concentration & Abuse of Power Legislative Procedure
Report Government fails to seek the assistance of the National Commission for Human Rights in the…
Nefeli Lappa 31 • 12 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report 16-year-old Roma boy shot dead by Greek police
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 30 • 12 • 2022
Excessive Surveillance
Report For 2 years Ministers have failed to issue a Joint Ministerial Decision to enable ADAE…
Christiana Stilianidou 29 • 12 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report The titling of legislation in the year 2022 and the rules of good legislative practice
Christiana Stilianidou 28 • 12 • 2022
Penal System Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Prosecution of human rights defenders attracts criticism
Sophia Papadima 23 • 12 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Safi v. Greece: European Court of Human Rights finds Greece to be in violation of…
Christiana Stilianidou 23 • 12 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Use of excessive force and chemicals in court by police officers
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 22 • 12 • 2022
Excessive Surveillance
Report Minister Kostis Hatzidakis under surveillance by the National Intelligence Service
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 22 • 12 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power Penal System
Report Concerns raised around the compatibility of new legislation with the protection of the presumption of…
Anna Kanellopoulou 22 • 12 • 2022
Freedom of the Press
Report Prosecutor of the Supreme Court appears to threaten the press in response to criticism and…
Christiana Stilianidou 21 • 12 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report The unjustified shortening of the legislative public consultation period by the Ministry of Health
Christiana Stilianidou 21 • 12 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Arbitrary deprivation of liberty of a staff member of Transparency International
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 21 • 12 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 5007/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 21 • 12 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Concerns around the compatibility of new legislation on the privacy of communications with the Constitution…
Nefeli Lappa 15 • 12 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Incorrect application of VAT rules on postal services – infringement: INFR(2020)4049
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 13 • 12 • 2022
Freedom of the Press Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Photojournalist arrested and charged whilst on the job
Christiana Stilianidou 13 • 12 • 2022
Penal System
Report Case G.T. v. Greece – Greece found to be in violation of Articles 8 and…
Christiana Stilianidou 13 • 12 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Allegations of incidents of excessive police violence during demonstrations on 13-12-2022
Sophia Papadima 11 • 12 • 2022
Freedom of Speech & Expression
Report Lyparis v. Greece – Greece convicted for violation of Article 10 of the ECHR
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 07 • 12 • 2022
Freedom of the Press
Report International Press Institute condemns issue of arrest warrant for journalist Petros Kousoulou
Christiana Stilianidou 06 • 12 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Reported incidents of police violence on December 6, 2022
Christiana Stilianidou 05 • 12 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness Rights of Ethnic Minorities & Vulnerable Groups
Report Allegations of the excessive use of police force against a patient who was being transferred…
Christiana Stilianidou 04 • 12 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Complaints of excessive police violence during an operation on 22 November 2022
Christiana Stilianidou 03 • 12 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Football fans reportedly attacked without provocation by police officers
Christiana Stilianidou 01 • 12 • 2022
Report The case of Barmaxizoglou et al. v. Greece – Conviction for violation of Articles 14…
Christiana Stilianidou 30 • 11 • 2022
Asset Declarations & Political Money
Report Repeated extensions to the deadlines for the submission of asset declarations continues in 2022
Christiana Stilianidou 30 • 11 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report The case of the Indares family: allegations of the use of illegal and unjustified force…
Christiana Stilianidou 30 • 11 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report The unjustified shortening of the legislative public consultation period by the Ministry of Finance
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 29 • 11 • 2022
Excessive Surveillance
Report Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias surveilled with Predator spyware
Christiana Stilianidou 28 • 11 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Lawyer complains of excessive police violence and arbitrariness – The case of Mr. Kotselopoulos
Christiana Stilianidou 27 • 11 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Complaint alleges that a migrant was subjected to torture by police officers
Christiana Stilianidou 26 • 11 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report The unjustified shortening of the legislative public consultation period by the Ministry of Justice
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 24 • 11 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4997/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 22 • 11 • 2022
Report Allegations of discrimination against a trans woman in a public vocational training institute
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 22 • 11 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4996/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 19 • 11 • 2022
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report 8 Turkish dissidents in search of asylum allegedly illegally repatriated by Greek authorities
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 18 • 11 • 2022
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists’ Union denounces the lack of pluralism at the Athens News Agency
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 18 • 11 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4995/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 18 • 11 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power Rights of Ethnic Minorities & Vulnerable Groups
Report Disabled student unlawfully charged tuition fees
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 17 • 11 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4994/2022
Christiana Stilianidou 17 • 11 • 2022
Penal System
Report Makrylakis v. Greece – Conviction of Greece for violation of Article 6 ECHR
Nefeli Lappa 15 • 11 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Failure to notify measures transposing Directive (EU) 2020/262 on excise duties: INFR(2022)0063
Anna Kanellopoulou 11 • 11 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance of Greek legislation with Directive (EU)2019/1160 infringement – INFR(2021)0408
Nefeli Lappa 09 • 11 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report transposition of the revised Road Infrastructure Safety Management Directive – infringement: INFR(2022)0060
Christiana Stilianidou 09 • 11 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Violent arrest of a passer-by by police officers
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 08 • 11 • 2022
Excessive Surveillance
Report Report names politicians, journalists and businessmen under surveillance by Predator spyware and the Greek Intelligence…
Christiana Stilianidou 08 • 11 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Complaint alleging arbitrary police behaviour as a lawyer was unjustifiably detained
Christiana Stilianidou 07 • 11 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Football fans reportedly attacked by police without provocation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 07 • 11 • 2022
Freedom of the Press Excessive Surveillance
Report Journalists investigating the wiretapping scandal allegedly under surveillance by state agencies
Christiana Stilianidou 04 • 11 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Allegations of excessive police violence at a protest in Exarchia on November 4, 2022
Nefeli Lappa 02 • 11 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Incorrect transposition of Directive 2008/115/EC – infringement: INFR(2014)2231
Anna Kanellopoulou 29 • 10 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance of Greece with Regulation 1143/2014 – infringement INFR(2021)2011
Nefeli Lappa 29 • 10 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Failure to send updated flood hazard and flood risk maps – infringement: INFR(2021)2254
Nefeli Lappa 29 • 10 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance of Greek legislation with Directive 2005/36/EC – infringement: INFR(2022)4078
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 27 • 10 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4986/2022
Sophia Papadima 27 • 10 • 2022
Freedom of Speech & Expression
Report European Court of Human Rights finds Greece to be in violation of Article 10 of…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 26 • 10 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4985/2022
Christiana Stilianidou 26 • 10 • 2022
Asset Declarations & Political Money
Report Audit agency has failed to publish annual report on asset declarations since 2013
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 24 • 10 • 2022
Freedom of the Press
Report Wiretapping Scandal: Grigoris Dimitriadis files SLAPP lawsuit following his resignation
The Manifold 21 • 10 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against a demonstrator
The Manifold 19 • 10 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against demonstrators at a student rally at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The Manifold 16 • 10 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against protesters at a demonstration in Sepolia
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 14 • 10 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4982/2022
The Manifold 08 • 10 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Excessive police violence against demonstrators alleged in Athens
Nefeli Lappa 05 • 10 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Law 4779/2021 restricts the free movement of capital as defined in Article 63 TFEU –…
Christiana Stilianidou 04 • 10 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Allegations of police violence against civilians on Strefi Hill
The Manifold 04 • 10 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against an American photojournalist
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 30 • 09 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4975/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 30 • 09 • 2022
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalist facing legal action over reporting on the mismanagement of hospital funds
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 29 • 09 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4974/2022
Christiana Stilianidou 28 • 09 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Greece referred to the CJEU for non-compliance with Regulation (EC) 29/2009; infringement: INFR (2020)2050
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 26 • 09 • 2022
Excessive Surveillance
Report MEP and opposition party leader Nikos Androulakis under surveillance by the National Intelligence Service
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 22 • 09 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4972/2022
The Manifold 18 • 09 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against demonstrators at a march
The Manifold 18 • 09 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Unjustified use of chemicals by police officer at Thanasis Papakonstantinou’s protest concert
Christiana Stilianidou 17 • 09 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Councillor files complaint of assault by a police officer
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 16 • 09 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Obstruction of the legal profession by the Ministry of Immigration
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 16 • 09 • 2022
Excessive Surveillance
Report Attempted hack of opposition MP Christos Spirtzis with illegal Predator spyware
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 16 • 09 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4965/2022
Christiana Stilianidou 13 • 09 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report A complaint alleges a man was beaten in Omonia Police Station
Christiana Stilianidou 12 • 09 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Complaint alleges an incident of police misconduct in Exarchia Square.
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 09 • 2022
Excessive Surveillance
Report An alleged attempt to surveil National Intelligence Service employees through Predator
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 05 • 09 • 2022
Freedom of the Press Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Journalists union complains that police prevented journalists from covering a strike in Malamatina
Christiana Stilianidou 04 • 09 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Lawyers file complaint of police violence
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 08 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Law 4964/2022 fails to comply with Council of State decisions requiring public water companies to…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 08 • 2022
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Human Rights advocates slam new governmental procedure to investigate refoulement allegations as lacking independence and…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 08 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Failure of the administration to protect a traditional settlement in Paros from unlawful construction
Nefeli Lappa 12 • 08 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Failure of Greece to fulfil its obligation to ensure the protection of public interest witnesses…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 06 • 08 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4963/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 05 • 08 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4964/2022
The Manifold 03 • 08 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Complaints of unnecessary and excessive use of force by police against protesters during a march…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 02 • 08 • 2022
Excessive Surveillance
Report Opposition leader Nikos Androulakis targeted with Predator spyware
The Manifold 01 • 08 • 2022
Freedom of the Press Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Complaints of unnecessary and excessive use of force by police against journalists during a march…
Christiana Stilianidou 31 • 07 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Complaint of an incident of excessive police violence
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 30 • 07 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4962/2022
The Manifold 29 • 07 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against a local councillor during demonstration
Christiana Stilianidou 29 • 07 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report MP Yanis Varoufakis reports verbal abuse by a police officer
Christiana Stilianidou 27 • 07 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report The unjustified shortening of the legislative public consultation period by the Ministry of Citizen Protection
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 27 • 07 • 2022
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Refoulement of asylum seekers despite interim measures issued by the European Court of Human Rights
Christiana Stilianidou 27 • 07 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report The unjustified shortening of the legislative public consultation period by the Ministry of Environment and…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 27 • 07 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4960/2022
Christiana Stilianidou 25 • 07 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report The unjustified shortening of the legislative public consultation period by the Ministry of Development and…
Christiana Stilianidou 25 • 07 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report The unjustified shortening of the legislative public consultation period by the Ministry of Justice
Sophia Papadima 24 • 07 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Torosian v. Greece: European Court of Human Rights finds Greece to be in violation of…
The Manifold 23 • 07 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Demonstrators beaten by police in Exarchia
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 07 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4955/2022
Anna Kanellopoulou 19 • 07 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance of Greece with the provisions of Directive (EU) 2019/789 – infringement INFR(2021)0211
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 12 • 07 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4954/2022
Christiana Stilianidou 11 • 07 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Female student in Thessaloniki complains of arbitrary arrest
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 06 • 07 • 2022
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Investigation records 1,018 incidents of `drift-backs’ of refugees by the Greek authorities
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 05 • 07 • 2022
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report BVMN report: 206 pushbacks in Evros in May-June 2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 04 • 07 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4950/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 03 • 07 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4949/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 30 • 06 • 2022
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Allegations that immigrants were forced by Greek police to participate in the illegal push back…
Christiana Stilianidou 26 • 06 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report The unjustified shortening of the legislative public consultation period by the Ministry of Finance
Anna Kanellopoulou 25 • 06 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance of Greece with the provisions of Directive (EU) 2019/790 – infringement INFR(2021)0212
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 19 • 06 • 2022
Report Unlawful exclusion of transgender people from recruitment to the Hellenic Police Force
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 18 • 06 • 2022
Rights of Ethnic Minorities & Vulnerable Groups
Report Complaints of excessive violence and the racist targeting of Roma by the Hellenic Police
Christiana Stilianidou 15 • 06 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Complaint alleges unprovoked police violence in the courts of Thessaloniki
Anna Kanellopoulou 10 • 06 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance of Greek legislation with Directive (EU) 2018/2001 infringement – INFR(2021)0209
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 08 • 06 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4938/2022
Anna Kanellopoulou 05 • 06 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance of Greek legislation with Directive 2006/22/EC – INFR(2018)2336
Anna Kanellopoulou 02 • 06 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance of Greek legislation with Directive 2011/7/EU infringement – INFR(2010)4206
The Manifold 27 • 05 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against students on university premises
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 26 • 05 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4933/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 25 • 05 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4934/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 25 • 05 • 2022
Independent Authorities Excessive Surveillance
Report Questions raised by government`s choice of agency to lead investigation into the surveillance of journalist
Christiana Stilianidou 19 • 05 • 2022
Penal System
Report The case of Zographos and others v. Greece – European Court finds Greece to be…
The Manifold 11 • 05 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Arbitrary arrests and beatings reported during student protests
Nefeli Lappa 09 • 05 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance of Greek legislation with the Data Protection Directive in the context of law enforcement;…
Anna Kanellopoulou 02 • 05 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance of Greek legislation with Directive (EU) 2019/713 infringement – INFR(2021)0210
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 27 • 04 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4926/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 17 • 04 • 2022
Legislative Procedure Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4920/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 12 • 04 • 2022
Rights of Ethnic Minorities & Vulnerable Groups
Report Complaint of racist targeting of Roma community by a municipal councillor in Salamina
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 04 • 2022
Independent Authorities Penal System
Report Excessively long retention of fingerprints by the Hellenic Police
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 04 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4919/2022
The Manifold 07 • 04 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against protesters in Thessaloniki on April 6
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 04 • 04 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4918/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 03 • 04 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4917/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 27 • 03 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4916/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 26 • 03 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4915/2022
Christiana Stilianidou 25 • 03 • 2022
Penal System Rights of Ethnic Minorities & Vulnerable Groups
Report Education in prisons – The Dimakis case, 2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 21 • 03 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4914/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 15 • 03 • 2022
Penal System Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Greece facing multiple trials in the European Court of Human Rights for torture and unlawful…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 14 • 03 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4908/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 08 • 03 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4903/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 05 • 03 • 2022
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Administration fails to comply with Court of Auditors Decisions
Christiana Stilianidou 03 • 03 • 2022
Legislative Procedure
Report The unjustified shortening of the legislative public consultation period by the Ministry of Interior
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 23 • 02 • 2022
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report UNHCR statement on human rights violations in Greece
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 22 • 02 • 2022
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Investigation presents evidence of the illegal pushback of three people from Greece to Turkey
Christiana Stilianidou 10 • 02 • 2022
Penal System
Report European Court of Human Rights finds Greece to be in violation of Articles 3 and…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 04 • 02 • 2022
Report Discrimination against a gender-diverse child in high school on the basis of gender expression
Christiana Stilianidou 29 • 01 • 2022
Police Violence & Arbitrariness Rights of Ethnic Minorities & Vulnerable Groups
Report Shooting at Roma minors following a car chase
The Manifold 16 • 01 • 2022
Freedom of the Press Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Journalist arrested for documenting the violent arrest of a woman
The Manifold 16 • 01 • 2022
Freedom of the Press Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Journalist Christos Avramidis targeted by police officers in Thessaloniki
Christiana Stilianidou 15 • 01 • 2022
Legislative Procedure Penal System
Report The amendment of Article 187 of the Penal Code by law 4908/2022
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 09 • 01 • 2022
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers denounces the summons of a journalist
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 30 • 12 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers protests the campaign of persecution’ against the free press
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 29 • 12 • 2021
Freedom of Thought, Conscience & Religion
Report UN decision demonstrates that Greece continues to violate rights to conscientious objection
Christiana Stilianidou 29 • 12 • 2021
Asset Declarations & Political Money
Report Extensions to the deadlines for the submission of asset declarations continue in 2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 28 • 12 • 2021
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Ban placed on Afghan asylum seeker from leaving Reception Centre ruled unlawful
Christiana Stilianidou 28 • 12 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Failure to transpose EU Directive 2019/1937 into Greek legislation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 27 • 12 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Complete disregard for the legislative initiative of the opposition
Christiana Stilianidou 27 • 12 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report The violation of the rules of good legislation as reflected in the titles of the…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 25 • 12 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report MEP George Kyrtsos complains of exclusion by the Greek public broadcaster, ΕΡΤ
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 23 • 12 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4876/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 12 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4872/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 12 • 2021
Transparency in the action of public authorities
Report Exemption from the obligation to submit the National Development Program to public consultation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 18 • 12 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report An illegal amendment, irrelevant in content to the main bill, transfers dozens of National Intelligence…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 18 • 12 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers expresses its support for a journalist facing trial for…
Louloudenia Kriki 15 • 12 • 2021
Penal System
Report The premature release and destruction of the vehicle in the case of the killing of…
Christiana Stilianidou 15 • 12 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Failure by Greece to establish and send copies of maritime spatial plan-infringement: INFR (2021) 2226
Christiana Stilianidou 14 • 12 • 2021
Asset Declarations & Political Money
Report An unjustified exemption from the obligation to submit asset declarations
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 13 • 12 • 2021
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report The Ombudsman investigates an illegal deportation to Turkey
HumanRights360 12 • 12 • 2021
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Lack of access, and/or significant obstacles to access to the asylum procedure due to the…
Christiana Stilianidou 11 • 12 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power Penal System
Report Incorrect transposition by Greece of the EU Directive on the right of access to a…
Christiana Stilianidou 11 • 12 • 2021
Asset Declarations & Political Money
Report Shortcomings in the publication of the work of the The Committee of Parliament for the…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 12 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists’ Union condemns increasing phenomenon of lawsuits against journalists by political figures
Christiana Stilianidou 10 • 12 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non transposition of Directive (EU) 2020/1504 on crowdfunding services providers by Greece: INFR(2021)0218
Christiana Stilianidou 10 • 12 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Incorrect transposition and implementation of certain provisions of Directive 2012/34/EU establishing a single European railway…
Christiana Stilianidou 09 • 12 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power Penal System
Report Changes to terms of legal immunity of members of tax dispute resolution bodies
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 09 • 12 • 2021
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Greece called upon to revoke Ministerial Decision designating Turkey a safe third country for asylum…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 08 • 12 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4871/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 08 • 12 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers condemns litigation against journalists and their sources which aims…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 06 • 12 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists Union denounces lawsuit brought by an executive of Hellenic Gold
HumanRights360 06 • 12 • 2021
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Asylum seekers’ access to financial aid suspended for months, and permanently denied to those not…
Christiana Stilianidou 03 • 12 • 2021
Freedom of the Press Penal System
Report Changes to Article 191 of the penal code risk endangering the right to freedom of…
HumanRights360 03 • 12 • 2021
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Refugee children living in Ritsona reception center denied access to education in 2020 and 2021
Christiana Stilianidou 02 • 12 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-conformity of Greek provisions with the Directive (ΕU)2018/958 on a Proportionality Test before adoption of…
Christiana Stilianidou 02 • 12 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-compliance of Greece with the directive on urban wastewater treatment – violation: INFR (2020) 2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 01 • 12 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4865/2021
Christiana Stilianidou 01 • 12 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Incorrect application of Regulation (EC)29/2009 – infringement: INFR(2020)2050
Christiana Stilianidou 01 • 12 • 2021
Penal System
Report Member of Parliament summoned for questioning without the legally required prior permission of the Parliament
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 29 • 11 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4864/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 28 • 11 • 2021
Excessive Surveillance
Report The Cisco case: The government violates GDPR and personal data protection legislation
The Manifold 27 • 11 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Official complaint filed after a 20 year old man was beaten by police in Crete
The Manifold 27 • 11 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police attacked journalist with chemicals
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 27 • 11 • 2021
Freedom of Assembly
Report “Freedom of Assembly at Risk”: Amnesty International report denounces unlawful use of force in the…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 25 • 11 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4859/2021
The Manifold 25 • 11 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence at a protest outside the Turkish Embassy
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 21 • 11 • 2021
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report LIBE Committee and Commissioner Johansson urge investigation of illegal pushbacks and expulsions from Greek territory
Louloudenia Kriki 20 • 11 • 2021
Public Procurement/Μisuse of Public Funds
Report Concerns surround the establishment of the new governmental committee for major public works
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 18 • 11 • 2021
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Moroccan citizen lodges complaint that he was unlawfully returned to Turkey on two occasions, along…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 17 • 11 • 2021
Excessive Surveillance
Report Accusations and revelations regarding the surveillance of citizens by the National Intelligence Service
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 16 • 11 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report Dutch journalist subjected to intimidation and attacks after questioning the Prime Minister about pushbacks of…
Christiana Stilianidou 15 • 11 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Bad application of (the Landfill) directive 1991/31/EC and of the (Waste framework) directive 2008/98/EC: INFR(2021)2166
Christiana Stilianidou 13 • 11 • 2021
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report European Court of Human Rights finds Greece to be in violation of Article 5, paragraph…
Christiana Stilianidou 12 • 11 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report European Commission calls on GREECE to remove the requirement of Greek nationality to access high-level…
Christiana Stilianidou 10 • 11 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Failure by Greece to notify complete transposition measures for Directive (EU) 2018/2002 amending the Energy…
HumanRights360 08 • 11 • 2021
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Refoulement (illegal return) of a political refugee with recognized refugee status
Christiana Stilianidou 06 • 11 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report The submission of a report by the Deputy Minister of Sports to the Administrative Court…
Hellenic League for Human Rights 06 • 11 • 2021
Freedom of Thought, Conscience & Religion
Report Ministry of Education’s procedure to exempt students from religious education in schools fails to comply…
The Manifold 05 • 11 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Photojournalist injured by police water cannons
Christiana Stilianidou 04 • 11 • 2021
Transparency in the action of public authorities Independent Authorities Legislative Procedure Excessive Surveillance
Report Legislative amendment prohibits informing a citizen that the confidentiality of their communications has been removed
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 02 • 11 • 2021
Public Procurement/Μisuse of Public Funds
Report Criminal complaint filed by SYRIZA against the Secretary General of Anti-Crime Policy, Sofia Nikolaou
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 31 • 10 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Greece referred to the EU Court of Justice over air pollution
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 31 • 10 • 2021
Independent Authorities
Report Allegations and doubts around the objectivity and independence of the National Council for Radio and…
The Manifold 26 • 10 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Violence against protesters and passers-by in Exarcheia
HumanRights360 22 • 10 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness Rights of Ethnic Minorities & Vulnerable Groups
Report Police killing of Nikos Sampanis: Racial profiling and violation of the rules of police engagement
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 18 • 10 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Development and Investment
Christiana Stilianidou 18 • 10 • 2021
Freedom of Speech & Expression
Report European Court of Human Rights finds Greece to be in violation of Article 10 of…
Christiana Stilianidou 17 • 10 • 2021
Penal System
Report Farooq and Others v. Greece – Greece condemned for violating Articles 3 and 13 of…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 15 • 10 • 2021
Independent Authorities
Report Public authorities violate their legal obligation to assist the Ombudsman in investigating water pollution
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 15 • 10 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report The Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers condemns the continuing campaign of litigation against journalists
Christiana Stilianidou 15 • 10 • 2021
Independent Authorities Legislative Procedure Public Procurement/Μisuse of Public Funds
Report An exceptional procurement procedure and the “disappearing” negative opinion from the Hellenic Single Public Procurement…
The Manifold 12 • 10 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Unlawful detention of activists in Lesvos
Christiana Stilianidou 10 • 10 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power Legislative Procedure
Report Law 4855/2021 and its amendments
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 10 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Unconstitutional amendment strengthens the gas industry through an extraordinary subsidy
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 10 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4830/2021
Christiana Stilianidou 08 • 10 • 2021
Penal System
Report European Court of Human Rights finds Greece to be in violation of Article 8 of…
Christiana Stilianidou 08 • 10 • 2021
Freedom of Speech & Expression
Report European Court of Human Rights finds Greece to be in violation of Article 10 of…
Christiana Stilianidou 02 • 10 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-conform transposition of the Medium Combustion Plants Directive ((EU) 2015/2193) into Greek legislation: INFR(2021)2090
The Manifold 02 • 10 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Violence against protesters in Stavroupoli
The Manifold 02 • 10 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against protesters at a rally in Athens
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 01 • 10 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4831/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 01 • 10 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4839/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 30 • 09 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4837/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 27 • 09 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report Political party MeRA25 lodged a complaint against Greek public broadcaster ERT for “zero coverage” of…
Christiana Stilianidou 23 • 09 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-conformity of Greek legislation with Directive 2014/59/EU (Bank Resolution and Recovery Directive) INFR(2021)2129
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 23 • 09 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4829/2021
Christiana Stilianidou 22 • 09 • 2021
Legislative Procedure Public Procurement/Μisuse of Public Funds
Report Exceptional public procurement procedure for contracts for flood protection studies and works to fire-affected regions
The Manifold 04 • 09 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against protesters at an anti-racism event
Christiana Stilianidou 22 • 08 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report The systematic exclusion of judicial associations from legislative proceedings in matters of justice
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 06 • 08 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation for relocation of a settlement in Western Macedonia due to its…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 05 • 08 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4816/2021
Christiana Stilianidou 28 • 07 • 2021
Independent Authorities
Report Changes made to the candidate profile and appointment method of the President of the Anti-Money…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 26 • 07 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report The government disregards environmental protection with an unconstitutional amendment that facilitates off-plan construction
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 25 • 07 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers calls for legal reform to ensure the freedom of…
Christiana Stilianidou 21 • 07 • 2021
Penal System Police Violence & Arbitrariness Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Excessive police violence against defendants in a courtroom
Christiana Stilianidou 20 • 07 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Law 4807/2021 and its amendments
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 07 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4809/2021
Christiana Stilianidou 18 • 07 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness Rights of Ethnic Minorities & Vulnerable Groups
Report Verbal and physical abuse by a police officer towards a citizen that was being taken…
Christiana Stilianidou 15 • 07 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-conformity of National Legislation with the Directive 2014/67/EU: INFR(2018)2233
Christiana Stilianidou 15 • 07 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power Penal System
Report Non-conformity of Greece legislation with Directive (EU)2017/541 on combating terrorism: INFR(2021)2085
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 15 • 07 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4812/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 07 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4820/2021
Christiana Stilianidou 08 • 07 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Failure to designate a body referred to in Article 16(12) of Regulation (EU) 376/2014 on…
Christiana Stilianidou 06 • 07 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power Penal System
Report Non-conformity of the Greek measures transposing the (Council) Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 05 • 07 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4811/2021
Christiana Stilianidou 05 • 07 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-communication of transposition measures for Directive (EU) 2018/851 amending Directive 2008/98/EC on waste: INFR(2020)0416
Christiana Stilianidou 01 • 07 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Greece failed to fulfill obligations under the Invasive Alien Species Regulation: INFR(2021)2011
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 01 • 07 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers denounces an attack against a journalist
Christiana Stilianidou 28 • 06 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power Legislative Procedure
Report Failure to comply with Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency: INFR(2018)2260
The Manifold 27 • 06 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence reported against protesters at a rally in Athens on June 26
Christiana Stilianidou 25 • 06 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Failure to comply with certain requirements of Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom: INFR(2021)2080
Christiana Stilianidou 24 • 06 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Civil servants prohibited from testifying freely in trials involving the Greek public sector
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 06 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Environment and Energy
Christiana Stilianidou 18 • 06 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-communication of transposition measures for Directive (EU) 2018/852 amending the packaging Directive: INFR(2020)0417
The Manifold 09 • 06 • 2021
Freedom of the Press Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police officer attacks a journalist covering a student occupation
Christiana Stilianidou 09 • 06 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-communication of transposition measures for Directive (EU) 2018/849: INFR (2020) 0414
Christiana Stilianidou 09 • 06 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Non-communication of transposition measures for Directive (EU) 2018/85 amending Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of…
Christiana Stilianidou 09 • 06 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Greece’s non compliance with Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) decision in infringement…
The Manifold 07 • 06 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against protesters in Agrafa
Christiana Stilianidou 27 • 05 • 2021
Independent Authorities
Report Critique surrounds elections of the new leadership of ASEP (Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection)
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 24 • 05 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report European Court of Justice: Greece violates its EU obligations by failing to recover unlawful aid
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 05 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4799/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 05 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4798/2021
Christiana Stilianidou 08 • 05 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Ministry of Finance declares public sector bank accounts to be exempt from seizure
Christiana Stilianidou 08 • 05 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power Legislative Procedure Penal System
Report Members of the committees advising the government in relation to the pandemic are guaranteed immunity…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 03 • 05 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report “Threats will not silence journalists” Journalist Giorgos Karaivaz gunned down in cold blood
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 29 • 04 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report The International Press Institute (IPI) calls for an investigation into an alleged threat on the…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 27 • 04 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report ERT journalist complains of censorship in the public broadcasting service
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 25 • 04 • 2021
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report New naturalisation process creates legal uncertainty and excludes many from the acquisition of Greek citizenship
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 24 • 04 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report ΕΣΗΕΑ για κατάργηση διαδικασίας του αυτοφώρου
Christiana Stilianidou 17 • 04 • 2021
Independent Authorities
Report Article 70 of law 4795/2021 and the amendment of the provisions for the term of…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 07 • 04 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4792/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 07 • 04 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4796/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 05 • 04 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report SYRIZA files an official complaint against ERT, the Greek public service broadcaster, for failing to…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 02 • 04 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers condemns the extrajudicial proceedings brought by the Greek Police…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 31 • 03 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Investigation into an incendiary device thrown by a police officer or a person under police…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 31 • 03 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4790/2021
The Manifold 25 • 03 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against demonstrators at a protest rally
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 24 • 03 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4787/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 23 • 03 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report The Cisco case: The government violates parliamentary rules of procedure
Louloudenia Kriki 20 • 03 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Minister of Development and Investment attends baptism despite pandemic restrictions suspending religious ceremonies
Christiana Stilianidou 18 • 03 • 2021
Penal System
Report European Court of Human Rights finds Greece to be in violation of Article 5 of…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 18 • 03 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4786/2021
Christiana Stilianidou 17 • 03 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power Penal System Freedom of Assembly
Report Incorrect transposition of the Framework Decision on combating racism and xenophobia by Greece: INFR(2021)2063
Christiana Stilianidou 17 • 03 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power Penal System
Report Incorrect application of Framework Decision 2009/315/JHA on the exchange of criminal record information: INFR(2021)2144
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 11 • 03 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4783/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 03 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4784/2021
The Manifold 10 • 03 • 2021
Freedom of the Press Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police attack on journalists during protests in Nea Smyrni
The Manifold 10 • 03 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report A policeman slapped a girl at a protest in Nea Smyrni
Christiana Stilianidou 09 • 03 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Excessive delays in payments to companies in the health sector in infringement of EU law:…
The Manifold 09 • 03 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against protesters during a demonstration in Panormou
The Manifold 07 • 03 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence reported against demonstrators at a protest in Syntagma Square
The Manifold 06 • 03 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against protesters at a demonstration in solidarity with prisoner Dimitris Koufontinas
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 04 • 03 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4782/2021
The Manifold 27 • 02 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Riot police attack journalists in Omonia
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 26 • 02 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4781/2021
The Manifold 23 • 02 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Unnecessary police violence against protesters reported during university occupation
Christiana Stilianidou 20 • 02 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Bad application of Directive 2014/90/EU on marine equipment by Greece: INFR(2020)2354
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 02 • 2021
Freedom of the Press Legislative Procedure
Report Bias and misinformation on ERT, the public service broadcaster, in favor of a government bill
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 17 • 02 • 2021
Refugee & Migrant Rights
Report Six humanitarian organisations present evidence of illegal pushbacks by Greece
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 17 • 02 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4778/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 16 • 02 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report Public broadcaster ERT censors coverage of Prime Minister’s violation of coronavirus quarantine measures
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 15 • 02 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4770/2021
Christiana Stilianidou 12 • 02 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power Penal System
Report Non-conformity of Greek legislation with Directive (EU) 2017/1371 (PIF Directive): INFR(2021)2236
The Manifold 12 • 02 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Police violence against protestors at an education rally in Thessaloniki
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 11 • 02 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4777/2021
The Manifold 11 • 02 • 2021
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report A policeman elbows a protester in the face
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 02 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4771/2021
Louloudenia Kriki 07 • 02 • 2021
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Concerns as the Prime Minister attends large dinner event despite pandemic restrictions
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 04 • 02 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4772/2021
Christiana Stilianidou 03 • 02 • 2021
Freedom of Assembly
Report Third ban in three months is placed on public gatherings
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 01 • 02 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislative process for amendments in law 4765/2021
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 01 • 02 • 2021
Freedom of the Press
Report The Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers condemns the phenomenon of politicians litigating against journalists
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 24 • 01 • 2021
Transparency in the action of public authorities
Report The Cisco case: The government violates transparency legislation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 01 • 2021
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Education
Christiana Stilianidou 14 • 01 • 2021
Penal System
Report European Court of Human Rights finds Greece to be in violation of Articles 3 and…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 28 • 12 • 2020
Freedom of the Press
Report A journalist alleges that they were forced to resign following pressure from the Prime Minister’s…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 28 • 12 • 2020
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Greece condemned by the Court of Justice of the European Union for insufficient protection of…
Christiana Stilianidou 20 • 12 • 2020
Asset Declarations & Political Money
Report Repeated extensions to the deadlines for the submission of asset declarations
Christiana Stilianidou 17 • 12 • 2020
Police Violence & Arbitrariness Freedom of Assembly
Report December 6, 2020: Arbitrary and excessive use of force by police on anniversary of police…
Christiana Stilianidou 10 • 12 • 2020
Report Prohibition of public gatherings ahead of the anniversary of the police killing of teenager Alexandros…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 08 • 12 • 2020
Legislative Procedure
Report Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister violates legislation on public consultation
Christiana Stilianidou 08 • 12 • 2020
Penal System Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report Two lawyers among those arrested on December 6, 2020
Christiana Stilianidou 07 • 12 • 2020
Freedom of Assembly
Report Restrictions placed on the right to assembly by law 4703/2020
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 05 • 12 • 2020
Legislative Procedure
Report Ministry of Education and Religion violates the legislation on public consultation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 01 • 12 • 2020
Legislative Procedure
Report Ministry of Education and Religion violates the legislation on public consultation
Christiana Stilianidou 29 • 11 • 2020
Freedom of the Press Freedom of Speech & Expression
Report Balaskas v. Greece – Greece found to be in violation of Article 10 of the…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 27 • 11 • 2020
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalist faces SLAPP lawsuit for investigative report on packaging recycling
Christiana Stilianidou 22 • 11 • 2020
Report Prohibition of public gatherings ahead of the anniversary of the Polytechnic uprising
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 28 • 10 • 2020
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists Union of Athens Daily Newspapers denounces an attack on a journalist
Christiana Stilianidou 25 • 10 • 2020
Concentration & Abuse of Power Penal System
Report Legal provision terminates criminal proceedings against elected officials and local government employees
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 18 • 10 • 2020
Freedom of the Press
Report Public service broadcasting placed under the control of the Prime Minister
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 10 • 2020
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalists Union of Athens Daily Newspapers condemns an attack on a newspaper
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 01 • 08 • 2020
Freedom of the Press
Report Former minister takes legal action against journalists
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 23 • 07 • 2020
Legislative Procedure
Report Minister of State violates the legislation on public consultation
Christiana Stilianidou 20 • 07 • 2020
Penal System
Report European Court of Human Rights finds Greece to be in violation of Articles 3 and…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 07 • 2020
Legislative Procedure
Report Ministry of Health violates the legislation on public consultation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 07 • 2020
Freedom of the Press
Report Journalist arrested following defamation charges
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 16 • 07 • 2020
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Finance
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 13 • 07 • 2020
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Education and Religion
Christiana Stilianidou 26 • 06 • 2020
Freedom of Thought, Conscience & Religion
Report Stavropoulos and Others v. Greece – Greece condemned for violating Article 9 of the ECHR
Christiana Stilianidou 16 • 06 • 2020
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report The case of Vassilis Mangos: allegations of excessive police violence and arbitrariness
Christiana Stilianidou 30 • 05 • 2020
Penal System Rights of Ethnic Minorities & Vulnerable Groups
Report Prisoners’ rights: The Dimakis case, 2020
Christiana Stilianidou 20 • 03 • 2020
Penal System Rights of Ethnic Minorities & Vulnerable Groups
Report Education in prisons – The Anagnopoulos case
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 14 • 02 • 2020
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Illegal transport of waste from Greece to Liberia
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 18 • 01 • 2020
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of the Interior
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 12 • 2019
Report Greek money laundering legislation regresses
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 15 • 12 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of the Interior
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 08 • 12 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of the Interior
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 06 • 12 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of National Defence
Christiana Stilianidou 27 • 11 • 2019
Asset Declarations & Political Money
Report CIDA Parliamentary Committee announcement allows correction of asset declarations after submission deadline
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 25 • 11 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 22 • 11 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Finance
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 18 • 11 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of the Interior
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 11 • 11 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Environment and Energy
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 10 • 11 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Christiana Stilianidou 01 • 11 • 2019
Freedom of Thought, Conscience & Religion
Report Papageorgiou and Others v. Greece – ECtHR condemns Greece for violating the right to education
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 01 • 11 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Justice
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 29 • 10 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Citizen Protection
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 29 • 10 • 2019
Conflict of interests in the public sector & Revolving Doors
Report Revolving Doors: The case of Akis Skertsos
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 26 • 10 • 2019
Conflict of interests in the public sector & Revolving Doors
Report Revolving Doors: The case of Dimitris Economou
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 15 • 10 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Justice
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 12 • 10 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Ministry of Culture and Sports violates the legislation on public consultation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 01 • 10 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Development and Investment
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 30 • 09 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Violation of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Health
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 28 • 09 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport violates public consultation legislation
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 20 • 09 • 2019
Legislative Procedure
Report Two violations of the legislation on public consultation by the Ministry of Development and Investment
Christiana Stilianidou 10 • 09 • 2019
Concentration & Abuse of Power Independent Authorities
Report Legislative provision of retroactive incompatibility clauses removes serving members of the Competition Commission
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 12 • 08 • 2019
Conflict of interests in the public sector & Revolving Doors
Report Revolving Doors: From director of the ruling party’s and Prime Minister’s Press Office to President…
Christiana Stilianidou 08 • 07 • 2019
Penal System
Report Presidential Decree transfers supervision of penal sentences from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry…
Christiana Stilianidou 18 • 04 • 2019
Asset Declarations & Political Money
Report Removal of the obligation to lift banking secrecy for the scrutiny of asset declarations
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 25 • 11 • 2018
Public Procurement/Μisuse of Public Funds
Report CJEU fines Greece for unlawful state aid supplied to the Skaramangkas Shipyards
Christiana Stilianidou 20 • 05 • 2018
Penal System Rights of Ethnic Minorities & Vulnerable Groups
Report Education in prisons – The Dimakis case, 2018
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 05 • 03 • 2018
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report CJEU fines Greece for systematic pollution cause by municipal wastewater
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 05 • 02 • 2018
Police Violence & Arbitrariness
Report European Court of Human Rights condemns Greece for the torture of prisoners by a police…
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 18 • 11 • 2016
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Greece breaches EU law on Caretta caretta sea turtles
Christiana Stilianidou 15 • 09 • 2016
Freedom of Thought, Conscience & Religion
Report Papavasilakis v. Greece – ECtHR condemns Greece for violating Article 9 of the ECHR
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 14 • 09 • 2016
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Greece fined for breaching EU law on waste management
Christiana Stilianidou 27 • 05 • 2016
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report Legal immunity granted to members of three committees in the field of sports
Thodoris Chondrogiannos 27 • 12 • 2015
Concentration & Abuse of Power
Report CJEU condemns Greece for violation of EU labor legislation
Christiana Stilianidou 25 • 09 • 2015
Freedom of the Press Freedom of Speech & Expression
Report Υπόθεση Κουτσολιόντος και Πανταζής κατά Ελλάδας- Καταδίκη της Ελλάδας για παραβίαση του άρθρου 10 της…