Christiana Stilianidou 31 • 08 • 2023

Allegations of unprovoked assault and arrests at the National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A)

Christiana Stilianidou
Allegations of unprovoked assault and arrests at the National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A)
31 • 08 • 2023

Allegations and reports describe the unprovoked arrest of students and the injury of a female student by a police motorbike on 31-8-2023.  

According to reports (see among others 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), on 31 August 2023 police forces made unprovoked and arbitrary arrests of students and employees in the Polytechnic Campus, used violence against bystanders in the area and injured a female student with a police motorbike.

Where is the problem with the Rule of Law?

In a state governed by the rule of law, the action and functioning of the police authorities must be governed by certain principles, including the principle of legality, the principle of proportionality, the prohibition of the abuse of police power, respect for and protection of human rights.

The powers of the police authorities and the conduct to be displayed by them in the performance of their duties are regulated, inter alia, by Decree-Laws 538/1989, 141/1991 and 254/2004. 

Although the police may use force to enforce the law, this does not mean that all use of preventive or repressive force by the police is lawful. On the contrary, the arbitrary use of the power to use force and police action in excess of the legal limits is a dangerous phenomenon for a democracy.

The conduct of the police authorities in this particular case (the unprovoked use of force, and the unprovoked and arbitrary arrests of persons, as well as the injury to a female student by a motorbike) appears, however, to be outside the legal limits of police action.

Christiana Stilianidou
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