1. Each Member State of the European Union shall apply EU law and take appropriate action to that end. The European Commission is the body responsible for detecting possible breaches of EU law.
However, as mentioned in the “December infringement package: main decisions/2-12-2021” Greece failed to inform the Commission of the provisions adopted to transpose this Directive into national law [infringement number: INFR (2020) 0520]. For this reason, it sent a “reasoned opinion” to the country, calling on it to transpose the amended Energy Efficiency Directive.
The application of EU law is an obligation of the Member States of the European Union. If possible breaches of EU law are detected, the European Commission may take a series of actions against that Member State to ensure the correct and full application of EU law by initiating infringement proceedings in accordance with Articles 258 and 260 of the TFEU.
In this case, the European Commission sent a reasoned opinion as Greece had failed to notify complete transposition measures for Directive (EU) 2018/2002 amending the Energy Efficiency Directive, thus violating EU law.
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