Greek National Commission for Human Rights (GNCHR)
National Report on the situation of human rights of migrants at the borders
15 • 07 • 2021

This Report covers mainly the GNCHR’s activities on the protection of migrants’ rights at borders in 2020, taking into consideration all major developments such as the entry into force of a new legal regime on international protection, tensions occurred at the Greek-Turkish land borders and the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. During this period, the GNCHR conducted monitoring activities at borders, convened several meetings with relevant national and international stakeholders to address the critical situation faced by asylum seekers and migrants and advised the Greek government and Parliament on all amendments of laws on international protection. It also provided its expert opinion on national reports submitted before UN bodies for periodical review, took initiatives to fill protection gaps and harmonise national law and practice with international standards and made public interventions in cases of immediate endangerment of migrants’ rights.


Greek National Commission for Human Rights (GNCHR)
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