Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO)
Evaluation Report (Fifth Evaluation Round)
03 • 03 • 2022

Perceptions of corruption in Greece remain high, but indicators show gradual improvement in recent years. Positive steps have been taken to boost the anticorruption framework and provide for a more holistic and streamlined approach for this key policy. The establishment of the National Transparency Authority (NTA), which is responsible for the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Action Plan (NACAP, 2018-2021), constitutes an encouraging step in this direction. A new anticorruption plan for 2022-2025 is in the making. There are some promising developments on the corruption prevention front, both of a legislative and an institutional nature, the challenge now rests with their efficient implementation.

Also, there are noteworthy improvements in transparency and public consultation mechanisms; digitalisation has proven capital in this respect. That said, proper implementation of access to information upon request remains an outstanding challenge. Similarly, additional efforts are required to better provide for meaningful stakeholder engagement at earlier stages of decision-making processes and to track external interventions. New rules on lobbying were introduced after the on-site visit, in September 2021 (Law 4829/2021). This is a welcome development, which effectiveness is to be tested in practice as implementation evolves.

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Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO)
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