Each Member State of the European Union must fully apply EU law. The body responsible for identifying possible violations of EU law is the European Commission. Where a Member State does not apply EU law and breaches its obligations under the EU Treaties, the European Commission may open a formal infringement procedure under Articles 258 and 260 TFEU (see details on the infringement procedure here).
First, Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 (on the coordination of social security systems) provides, inter alia, that nationals of Member States enjoy the same rights and are subject to the same obligations under the legislation of each Member State with regard to social security schemes.
However, as stated in the November infringement package, according to Greek legislation, only EU nationals who have resided in Greece for at least five years with their children are entitled to apply for family benefits. Third-country nationals who are covered by EU rules on the coordination of social security (e.g. because they moved to Greece from another EU Member State) can only apply for family benefits after having resided in Greece for at least 12 years. According to the Commission, this legislation violates EU law as it does not treat EU citizens equally, which constitutes discrimination. In addition, the Regulation on the coordination of social security systems prohibits any residence condition for receiving social security benefits such as family allowances.
For this reason, the European Commission has decided to send Greece a letter of formal notice, asking it to comply with EU rules on family benefits.
For more information on this procedure and on the European Commission’s decisions regarding the infringement in question, please consult the European Commission’s website by entering INFR(2023)2097 in the field “Infringement case number”.
The application of EU law is an obligation of the Member States of the European Union. If infringements of EU law are identified, the European Commission may take a series of actions against the Member State concerned to ensure the correct and full application of EU law by opening infringement proceedings under Articles 258 and 260 TFEU.
In this particular case, the European Commission sent a letter of formal notice, calling on Greece to comply with Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 (coordination of social security) and Regulation (EU) No 492/2011 (free movement of workers) and to bring its national legislation into line with their provisions.
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