Anna Kanellopoulou
Incorrect transposition of the Reception Conditions Directive – infringement: INFR(2022)2156
26 • 01 • 2023

The European Commission, in the context of infringement proceedings under Article 258 TFEU, has sent a letter of formal notice to Greece for failing to transpose in a fully compliant manner all the provisions of the Directive on reception conditions for asylum seekers.

Each Member State of the European Union must fully apply EU law. The body responsible for identifying possible violations of EU law is the European Commission. Where a Member State does not apply EU law and breaches its obligations under the EU Treaties, the European Commission may open a formal infringement procedure under Articles 258 and 260 TFEU (see details on the infringement procedure here).

Greece now has two months to respond to the Commission’s arguments. If it does not receive a satisfactory reply, the Commission may send a reasoned opinion to Greece.

More information on this procedure can be found on the European Commission’s website by entering INF(2022)2156 in the ‘infringement number’ field.

Where is the problem with the rule of law?

The application of EU law is an obligation of the Member States of the European Union. If infringements of EU law are identified, the European Commission may take a series of actions against the Member State concerned to ensure the correct and full application of EU law by opening infringement proceedings under Articles 258 and 260 TFEU.

In this particular case, the Commission sent a letter of formal notice to Greece for failing to transpose all the provisions of the Directive on reception requirements for applicants for international protection in a fully compliant manner.

Στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση η Επιτροπή προχώρησε σε αποστολή προειδοποιητικής επιστολής (και) προς την Ελλάδα, επειδή δεν μετέφερε με πλήρως σύμμορφο τρόπο στο εθνικό της δίκαιο το σύνολο των διατάξεων της οδηγίας σχετικά με τις απαιτήσεις για την υποδοχή των αιτούντων διεθνή προστασία.

Anna Kanellopoulou
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