European Commission
05 • 07 • 2024

This year’s Fundamental Rights Report 2024 comes at a time when the EU is experiencing threats to democratic values and civic space. Online hatred and disinformation pose serious challenges to fundamental rights. Europe faces rising poverty amid a cost-of-living crisis and continues to grapple with the polarising issue of migration. Necessary action on climate change risks reinforcing existing forms of social and economic marginalisation.

The introductory lead chapter provides a broader view of fundamental rights concerns in 2023. Rising racism against people of different ethnic backgrounds is a worrying trend, alongside an increase in incidents of
hate against Jews and Muslims following the terrorist attacks by Hamas in Israel on 7 October 2023 and Israel’s military response in Gaza. The rapid growth in the digitalisation of our private and public lives appears unstoppable. Urgent action is needed to tackle climate change without encroaching on the economic rights of marginalised communities.

Progress at the EU policymaking level addresses these inequalities, delivering action plans, strategies and legislation, including on the green transition, digital services and artificial intelligence. Through this chapter, FRA highlights the need for a multifaceted approach to building a more inclusive Europe.

European Commission
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