Christiana Stilianidou
Greece drops in World Press Freedom Index ranking
23 • 03 • 2022

Greece, falling five places since 2020, is now ranked 70th in the World Press Freedom Index. The analysis took into account, inter alia: the government’s attempt to control the flow of information on pandemic and immigration issues, the disproportionate distribution of €20 million to the media, the treatment of journalists by the police, central control of public service broadcasting, the new rules for demonstrations and the murder of a journalist. All of the above were considered a dangerous cocktail for the freedom of the press and for this reason Greece is classified in the category of problematic situations.

The Global Press Freedom Index is published annually by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and is a snapshot of the state of media freedom in the 180 countries and territories it covers. The evaluation is based on experts’ answers to a questionnaire and is based on the criteria of pluralism, media independence, the quality of the legal framework and the safety of journalists in each country and region.

In the 2021 ranking, Greece is in 70th position (falling 5 places compared to 2020) and is ranked among countries where the situation of press freedom is designated problematic. A text entitled “Dangerous cocktail for Freedom of the Press” develops some of the issues that were taken into account and led to the final ranking. Generally stating that “press freedom suffered in Greece in the year 2020,” they go on to list the reasons for this conclusion, among them the following elements:

In general, freedom of the press and independence of the media are important elements of the Rule of Law. The data reflected in the World Index of Freedom of the Press for the year 2021 presents a problematic situation in Greece. This fact can only raise concerns about whether press freedom and the right to information are guaranteed, enforced and respected effectively.

Christiana Stilianidou
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